Category: <span>Trees</span>

Paw Paw Trees

Pawpaw trees, also known as Asimina triloba, are native to North America and can be found in a range of habitats from wetlands to dry ridges. These trees are known for their large, oblong-shaped fruit that is often used in cooking and baking. While pawpaws can be a delicious addition to your garden, they can also be invasive and spread quickly. In this blog post, the experts at Tree Services Annapolis tell us about what pawpaw trees are, their potential to become invasive, and how to control their spread.

paw paw tree

What are Pawpaw Trees?

Pawpaw trees are deciduous trees that can grow up to 40 feet tall. They have large, tropical-looking leaves that can grow up to 12 inches long and 6 inches wide. In the spring, pawpaw trees produce maroon-colored flowers that emit a sweet, musky odor. The fruit of pawpaw trees is typically harvested in the fall and can be eaten raw or used in recipes.

Pawpaw Trees as Invasive Species

While pawpaw trees are native to North America, they can become invasive in certain areas. When pawpaw trees are left unchecked, they can rapidly spread and outcompete native species, which can negatively impact the ecosystem. Invasive pawpaw trees can also be difficult to remove, as they have an extensive root system and can sprout new shoots from the roots.

Controlling the Spread of Pawpaw Trees

  1. Hand Removal: One of the most effective ways to control the spread of pawpaw trees is to remove them by hand. This method works best when the trees are small and can be easily pulled up. Make sure to remove as much of the root system as possible to prevent new shoots from growing.
  2. Herbicides: If hand removal is not an option, herbicides can be used to control the spread of pawpaw trees. Selective herbicides, such as glyphosate, can be used to kill pawpaw trees without harming other plants in the area. Herbicides should be used with caution and according to the instructions on the label.
  3. Mechanical Removal: Mechanical removal, such as cutting down pawpaw trees or using a stump grinder, can be an effective method of controlling their spread. This method works best for larger trees that cannot be removed by hand.
  4. Preventative Measures: Preventative measures can be taken to control the spread of pawpaw trees before they become invasive. Regular monitoring of your garden or property can help you identify any new pawpaw trees before they spread. Planting native species in your garden can also help prevent invasive species, such as pawpaw trees, from taking over.
  5. Encourage Native Wildlife: Encouraging native wildlife, such as birds and small mammals, to your garden or property can help control the spread of pawpaw trees. These animals can help to disperse the seeds of native plants, which can outcompete invasive species like pawpaw trees.


In conclusion, pawpaw trees can be a tasty addition to your garden, but they can also become invasive and spread quickly. Hand removal, herbicides, mechanical removal, preventative measures, and encouraging native wildlife can all be effective methods of controlling the spread of pawpaw trees. If you are unsure about how to control pawpaw trees on your property, consult with a local gardening or landscaping professional for advice. With proper management and control, you can enjoy the benefits of pawpaw trees without the negative impacts of their invasiveness.…


Mulberry trees are one of the banes of my existence. We had a large one on our property that was a voluntary. I am pretty sure it wasn’t planted on purpose. It was big and it was ugly. Its roots were starting to destroy a sidewalk in one place and it was shading out other trees and plants that were much more interesting. When we had the Yew Tree incident, we were able to get rid of the mulberry.

Roots, Roots and More Roots

It still hasn’t wanted to go away. The tree company that took it down ground the stump but there were huge roots. Many of the roots were right where we were going to plant the arborvitae to replace the yew. The tree company knew this, so I was a bit miffed. I dug some of it up myself and then had them come back and finish getting the bigger roots out.

Even so, in a couple of places, a new tree is trying to grow up from the roots and I am having to combat it.

Birds love them and because of that you have to be constantly looking for small mulberry trees sprouting. Frequently under branches and bushes where birds sit and then poop. Get them as early as you can because they put down a long tap root amazingly quickly. They are a fast growing tree and are somewhat unusual in that they not only have a large tap root  but they also have large horizontal roots. Most trees have roots that extend about to the edge of the trees canopy if you were to draw a line straight down from it. The mulberry’s roots seem to go further.

History of the Mulberry

There was a native mulberry but others were imported from Europe and other places in 1733 by a General Oglethorpe and later by others who were trying to start a silk trade in the United States. They also liked the tree because it was fast growing and provided lots of fruit.

Good Eatin’

Farmers found they could fatten hogs with mulberry trees which would grow even on poor thin soil that other plants did not do well on. The fruit is apparently very delicious. I should have tried some before the tree was cut down. Apparently it is not a commercial crop in the US because the fruit is so fragile that it is difficult to pick and transport on a commercial scale. So if you have one on your property or know of one in your neighborhood, next summer try eating some of the fruit.…

Tree Services – i.e. Giant Weeds

You might think of trees as giant weeds. At least some trees fit this category and all can in some circumstances. Besides my own knowledge, I spoke with Tree Services Annapolis, a firm we have used and highly recommend to get some additional insights.

One of the worst culprits are mulberries. A few are native but most could be considered an invasive species brought in to provide food for silk worms. The invasive gypsy moth was brought into the US to breed with silk moths at the same time and some got loose and started eating everything in site like a grade B horror movie.

Mulberries end up everywhere because the birds love the fruit and where ever a bird is flying when it poops is where a tree might start growing. Particularly at the base of trees and bushes where birds have been sitting in the branches. It can be difficult to see the mulberry growing beneath a bush until it gets fairly large.

The problem with mulberries besides their pervasiveness is their root system. Even when very small, they have amazingly large tap roots for their size.  Most mature trees put out roots horizontally about the same distance as that covered by their canopy. Mulberry roots seem to go forever horizontally. We had a large old (and ugly) one taken down. We had the company grind the stump. The main roots that came out from the stump were quite large and went in all directions. No way it could have been done except with a stump grinder.

Tree Removal

Unless it is very small and you are fairly handy, it is better to get a professional to remove a tree. Especially if it is near a house or the street. It may be that the tree died and needs to be removed, or it just doesn’t make sense where it is or is crowding other trees that are more desirable. We bought our house from a woman in her 90s. As we got to understand the layout of the property we realized that a lot of trees were voluntaries. In other words, they weren’t planted, they just grew where their seeds fell.  Some were crowding out the original trees, others roots were destroying walkways etc.

It is fun to watch the professionals take down a tree. They climb up and carefully tie off a limb and then carefully cut while people on the ground pull on the rope attached to the limb to control where and how the limb falls. Quite an art to do it an not get injured or killed.

Tree Pruning vs. Tree Trimming

Generally you want professionals to do a pruning and not a trimming. With trimming you just take a trimmer, kind of like a hedge trimmer and trim and shape the tree. But this only deals with the ends of the branches and you get forking where ever it is cut. Pruning is selectively taking out branches or forks of branches. This can open a tree up and get more air flowing through to prevent mildew and disease. It also give the tree a more natural look. Trimming can potentially have the opposite effect.

When you cut a branch, you also need to do it the right way. It used to be that people would cut the limb off as close to the trunk as possible. The problem is that branch tissue and trunk tissue are different and there is a barrier where they meet. You might think of it like the blood brain barrier. If a branch gets diseased, this barrier prevents it from spreading to the tree. But if you cut too close and damage that barrier, it can allow disease to get into the trunk and compromise the health of the tree.

Tree Health

One of the most important thing for tree health is to have well balanced, healthy soil. A good tree services company can test the soil and determine what minerals and other nutrients need to be added to the soil to help the tree. If a tree does get sick, the sooner it is looked at by a professional the better since it is much easier to treat early in the disease progression.…